
  • Founded
  • Seminar Number

This seminar addresses various human rights issues at monthly meetings, sometimes by designating a theme to be followed during the entire academic year. The topics cover international and domestic areas of concern and reflect problems of both conceptualization and application. Emphasis is also placed on dialogue between advocates of western and non-western ideas and practices. This year, the Columbia University Human Rights Seminar is focusing on Implementation of Human Rights Norms: Challenges and Prospects.

George J. Andreopoulos

Tatiana Cordero-Romero

Meeting Schedule

10/02/2023 Faculty House, Columbia University
6:30 PM
The Human Rights Situation in China
Andrew. J Nathan, Columbia University

10/30/2023 Zoom
6:30 PM
The role of affective empathy in eliminating discrimination against women: A qualitative investigation
Michaela Guthridge, Monash University

Tania Penovic, Deakin University

12/04/2023 Faculty House, Columbia University
7:30 PM
The arc of international justice is long, but it bends towards accountability. Why did it take democracies three decades to create the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights?
Leonardo Castilho, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

02/05/2024 Faculty House, Columbia University / Zoom
7:30 PM
“Magnitskied”: The Growing Use of Human Rights Sanctions in a Divided World
Louis Charbonneau, Human Rights Watch

03/04/2024 Faculty House, Columbia University
7:30 PM
Conflict-related sexual and gender-based crimes: a threat to gender equality and women’s rights
Jelena Pia-Comella, John Jay College of Criminal Justice

04/15/2024 Zoom
6:30 PM
United Nations Counter-Terrorism Since the Adoption of Resolution 1373 (2001): Achievements Made and Work Still To Be Done
Edward J. Flynn,