Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Unreported Struggles
The questions addressed in the book include the following: What are the forms of violence specific to Indigenous peoples? Are there forms that do not express themselves in physical violence? Are there specific causes for conflicts affecting Indigenous peoples? What can we learn from case studies? Can existing norms and policies for dealing with conflict apply to Indigenous peoples? What is the international normative framework applicable to conflict affecting Indigenous peoples and its resolution? Has the adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples had an impact on conflict resolution and peace solutions? Should Indigenous peoples-related conflicts be handled differently from other so-called “ethnic conflicts”? What gaps must be addressed in terms of national and international mechanisms for the prevention of atrocities and the promotion of peace in cases where Indigenous Peoples are involved? What impact does the deliberate destruction of cultural heritage have on Indigenous Peoples’ human rights? What is the human rights approach and response to the deliberate destruction of cultural heritage of Indigenous peoples? How could existing mechanisms of conflict resolution, national and international, be improved in regards to Indigenous Peoples? What can be learned from efforts toward conflict resolution involving Indigenous Peoples, including peace agreements and a gender perspective, in different parts of the world? What are the opportunities we can seize to make progress in this area and what recommendations can we make to various parties?