
Paul Tillich: A New Catholic Assessment
Thirty years ago, a group of Catholic scholars responded to the radical challenges of Paul Tillich’s theology in a collection of essays that was courageous and farsighted for its time. This present collection of articles, a successor to the 1974 volume, reflects the very different religious and cultural situation that characterizes post-Vatican II theology. It demonstrates the wide spectrum of positive and creative ways in which the thought of Paul Tillich—one of this century’s most important Protestant theologians—continues to influence Catholic theological reflection today. Noted Catholic theologians from Africa, Canada, Europe, India, and the United States engage Tillich’s theology in a cross section of contemporary issues such as feminism, liberation theology, sacraments, and spirituality. Their efforts are complemented by a Protestant response from Langdon Gilkey, one of the world’s foremost authorities on Tillich. This volume reveals the enduring power of Tillich’s thought to give shape to current Catholic theology and suggests valuable new ecumenical avenues of research for all theologians and other scholars who wish to study and use Paul Tillich’s theological legacy. Contributors are Monika K. Hellwig; Thomas Franklin O’Meara, O.P.; Ronald Modras; Julia A. Lamm; John C. Dwyer; Kenan B. Osborne, O.F.M.; Raymond F. Bulman; George H. Tavard; Jean Richard; Mary Ann Stenger; Anthony A. Akinwale, O.P.; Sebastian Painadath, S.J.; Frederick J. Parrella; Claude Geffré, O.P.; and Langdon Gilkey.