The COVID-19 is now categorized as a pandemic by the CDC. Columbia’s classes will be held virtually for the remainder of the semester and all non-essential gatherings are restricted. In line with these measures, The University Seminars has decided to cancel all in-person seminars and conferences for the remainder of the semester. Our Annual Dinner, which was originally scheduled for late April, has been postponed until the fall.
For those who wish to hold meetings over Zoom, Skype or Google Hangouts, please note the following guidelines:
1. The chair or organizer must read out The University Seminars publication policy to all in attendance prior to the presentation or discussion. This is in lieu of the physical Publication Policy Acknowledgement Form that the chair and speaker sign before each meeting.
2. The guest speaker must state their name to acknowledge the policy. In order for the speaker’s notes or paper to be collected for the archive, the speaker must say “I agree to include my paper and/or presentation in the University Seminars Archive.”
3. Each member in attendance must speak their name to acknowledge the policy and the rapporteur can record those names in the minutes.
It may be helpful to make use of the record feature in the virtual meeting application that you choose to use.
Rapporteurs should submit their hours as usual. A separate email sent to rapporteurs outlines our pay policy during this time. Rapporteurs with lingering pay questions should reach out to Gesenia Alvarez.
Finally, the premium version of Zoom costs about $25. We are happy to reimburse the cost of the upgrade for any seminar that meets virtually, follows the above guidelines and furnishes minutes.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, they are all welcome. Send your email to