
New Directions in British Urban History

This conference will bring together leading scholars working in the field of modern British urban and planning history. Bridging this sub-field in the UK and in the US, this conference has three main objectives. The first is to provide a forum for discussing the current flurry of written work on British urban life (seven of the participants have recent or forthcoming monographs on twentieth-century British urban history). Our long term goal is to produce a special issue in "Planning Perspectives" on this historiographical turn; the conference will be the key launching pad for this scholarly work. The second is to […]

Book Parts

The Heyman Center and the Rare Book and Manuscript Library New York, NY, United States

The field of book history has never been more vibrant, nor has the importance of interrogating the material dimensions of text, its creation and circulation and consumption, been more clear, as digital media upend traditional modes of publishing, reading, and even academic librarianship. “What is a book?” is a question whose stakes have never been higher, and book historians and bibliographers have risen to the challenge, producing work that examines not just how books exist as physical objects, but how those physical existences have been conditioned by historical circumstances, and how they in turn condition cultures and practices and reading […]

Indigenous Peoples and Borders: decolonization, contestation, trans-border practices

Indigenous Peoples’ sovereignty, cultural integrity, connection to the land and their overall well-being continue to be threatened, defined and constrained by borders. This symposium aims at offering a rare opportunity for indigenous (focused) scholars and practitioners to engage in dialogue in and through border studies. This burgeoning research field can enrich our global knowledge community and vice versa, stimulate border studies scholars to address topics of particular importance for the lived experiences of Indigenous Peoples. In a separate background note, we provide an overview of this increasingly diverse international research field that started with a nearly exclusive focus on physical […]

An Urban World: The Changing Landscape of Suburbs and Cities

3:00 pm to 6:30 pm on November 14th and 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on November 15th.  RSVP to: PROGRAM Thursday November 14, 3:00 pm – 6:30 pm 2:30–3:00 pm  REGISTRATION 3:00 pm    WELCOME Ira Katznelson, Interim Provost & Ruggles Professor of Political Science & History, Columbia University Lisa Keller, Chair, Seminar on the City, The University Seminars, Columbia University 3:15 pm    KEYNOTE ADDRESS Introduction: Ann Thornton, Vice Provost and University Librarian, Columbia University Kenneth T. Jackson, Barzun Professor of History, Columbia University “The Changing Landscape of Cities and Suburbs in the 21st Century” 4:15 pm    PANEL 1, […]

Crooked Plow: Translating Social Justice in Brazil

Faculty House 64 Morningside Drive, New York

Crooked Plow: Translating Social Justice in Brazil Join us for a discussion of Brazilian author Itamar Vieira Junior’s best-selling novel Crooked Plow, now available in English. Our speakers will explore translation, literary writing, social justice work, and the long shadow that slavery casts. Co-Sponsored by the University Seminar on Public Humanities: Expanding Scholarship and Pedagogy; Columbia University Department of History; The Society of Fellows and Heyman Center for the Humanities; Columbia Global Centers, Rio De Janeiro; Institute of Latin American Studies. This event is free and open to the public. About the Book Deep in Brazil's neglected Bahia hinterland, two […]

Making Connections for the Study of the Hebrew Bible

Union Theological Seminary

The conference is intended to encourage regional HB scholars and PhD students to make or strengthen personal connections with one another. At the same time, we hope to highlight interdisciplinary, intercultural, and intertextual connections that many of us are making in our scholarship on the Hebrew Bible The day will be prepared for by gathering responses from planned participants (both attendees and presenters) with 1-2 sentences giving a brief pointer to how they have found an interdisciplinary connection useful for their research or teaching. Those responses will be collected and circulated to attendees so they have an idea of who is at […]

GLP-1 Agonists: A New Frontier In The Treatment of Obesity

Faculty House 64 Morningside Drive, New York

There is considerable excitement about a new generation of anti-obesity medications (AOMs). These medications supply the body with analogues of hormones that are naturally produced in the gut, including glucagon-like-peptide-1 (GLP-1), which signal the termination of eating and suppress hunger. Recent clinical trials demonstrate marked efficacy of GLP-1-based AOMs in promoting weight loss with some evidence that their primary mechanism of action is to limit food intake. Although work is needed to precisely characterize effects on eating behaviors, initial data suggest that GLP-1 analogues can enhance satiation and curb appetite. Ultimately, these new classes of AOMs have potential to counter […]

Test Conference

Faculty House 64 Morningside Drive, New York

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi lobortis nisi ut ipsum elementum pulvinar. Phasellus suscipit rutrum enim. Vivamus nec lectus euismod, scelerisque lacus eget, venenatis lorem. Vestibulum eu mi mauris. Mauris non molestie neque, eu viverra metus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris semper, magna vitae porta maximus, orci tellus volutpat nulla, nec ornare felis metus in elit. Donec gravida, eros ac hendrerit suscipit, lacus nisi condimentum nisi, quis bibendum leo magna ut risus. Praesent venenatis diam ante, scelerisque molestie diam aliquam id. Etiam sed lacus sed justo eleifend convallis vel […]

“Cine-Memoria:” Past and Present in Latin American Cinemas

Faculty House 64 Morningside Drive, New York +1 more

Cine-Memoria: Past and Present in Latin American Cinemas is a conference and screenings that consider two times in the history of regional Latin American filmmaking. We return to the radical women’s movement and collective filmmaking of the 1960s and 1970s in screenings of rare short titles and reconsider this work in the light of political developments and the emergence of “global auteurs” with international recognition. The first day is dedicated to remembering the critical work of Cuban-American scholar Ana M. López and a third day features online presentations in Spanish and Portuguese. View the Detailed Schedule       PRESENTED […]