Irish Studies
Year Founded 1973
Seminar # 535
This seminar serves as an interdisciplinary forum on all aspects and periods of Irish culture. Seminar participants come from a wide variety of fields: history, literature, art history, film studies, political science, sociology, anthropology, music, and folklore. These scholars bring to any topic under discussion a diversity of background which is stimulating and informative for all present. The concern for Irish studies as a field of scholarly inquiry is reflected in the collegial sharing of information about resources and repositories for research in the field.
Mary McGlynn
Seamus O’Malley
Audrey Siraud
External Website
Meeting Schedule
CUNY Graduate Center
Getting to Good Friday: Literature and the Peace Process in Northern Ireland
Marilynn Richtarik , Georgia State University
Marilynn Richtarik was educated at Harvard University, where she earned an undergraduate degree in American History and Literature, and at Oxford University, which she attended as a Rhodes Scholar. Her previous books include Acting Between the Lines: The Field Day Theatre Company and Irish Cultural Politics 1980-1984 (OUP, 1994), Stewart Parker: A Life (OUP, 2012), and an edition of Stewart Parker’s autobiographical novel Hopdance (The Lilliput Press, 2017). Richtarik is a Professor of English at Georgia State University in Atlanta, where she teaches British, Irish, and world literature. She spent the first half of 2017 at Queen’s University Belfast as a US Fulbright Scholar. Her new book Getting to Good Friday (Oxford University Press, 2023) intertwines literary analysis and narrative history in an accessible account of the shifts in thinking and talking about Northern Ireland’s divided society that brought thirty years of political violence to a close with the 1998 Belfast/Good Friday Agreement. Progress in this period hinged on negotiators’ ability to revise the terms used to discuss the conflict. As poet Michael Longley commented in 1998, “In its language the Good Friday Agreement depended on an almost poetic precision and suggestiveness to get its complicated message across.” Interpreting selected literary works, she demonstrates the extent to which authors were motivated by a desire both to comment on and to intervene in unfolding political situations. Getting to Good Friday suggests that literature as literature—that is, in its formal properties in addition to anything it might have to “say” about a given subject—can enrich readers’ historical understanding. Through engaging narrative, creative writing emerges as both the medium of and a metaphor for the peace process itself. In her presentation, she will introduce the book briefly and read an extract about the lead-up to the IRA ceasefire in August 1994 and Longley’s poem “Ceasefire.”
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Past Meetings
CUNY Grad Center
Room C 201
The First Scientific Biography of St Patrick Rediscovered: Heinrich Zimmer and the Beginning of Patrician Scholarship in the Late 19th Century
Immo Warntjes, Trinity College Dublin
Dr Immo Warntjes is Associate Professor in Early Medieval Irish History at Trinity College Dublin. After graduating in History and Mathematics from the University of Göttingen (Germany) and earning a PhD from the University of Galway (Ireland), he held lectureships in Medieval History at the University of Greifswald (Germany) and Queen’s University Belfast (UK) before joining Trinity College Dublin in 2016. His research interests span the entire Middle Ages, with a strong focus on early and high medieval scientific thought and manuscript culture. He spends much of his research time roaming the libraries of Western Europe and the US in search of unidentified early medieval Irish texts. In addition to his work on early medieval Irish political and intellectual history, he has published extensively on the use of languages in early medieval monastic education and late medieval burial practices. For this talk, Dr Warntjes will discuss a recent scholarly rediscovery: what is considered to be the first scientific biography of St Patrick, written in 1894 by the Celticist Heinrich Zimmer, which marks the beginning of modern academic/scientific study on Patrick. Situating this work within 21st-century scholarship, he will explore how historical perspectives on this 5th-century figure have evolved over time and the implications for our understanding of early medieval Ireland.
CUNY Graduate Center
Room 8400
Magical Thinking and the Irish Border: Politics, Fiction, and the Work of Magical Realism
Anna Teekell, Christopher Newport University
Anna Teekell is Associate Professor of English at Christopher Newport University in Virginia and Series Editor of Anthem Irish Studies. In addition to her book, Emergency Writing: Irish Literature, Neutrality, and the Second World War (2018), she has published widely on 20th century Irish literature, most recently in Éire-Ireland and The Irish University Review, and forthcoming in LIT, Études Anglaises, and Cambridge’s Elizabeth Bowen in Context. In April, Syracuse UP will publish the critical edition of John McGahern’s The Dark that she co-edited with Ellen Scheible, and her collection, Teaching Modern Irish Poetry (co-edited with Guinn Batten) will be published later this year by MLA Press. Her talk at the Columbia Irish Studies Seminar comes from work on a new monograph, BorderLines: A Literary Map of the Irish Border.
Faculty House
The Body of the Law in Contemporary Irish Poetry
Adam Hanna, University College Cork
Faculty House
The Necromantics: Reanimation, the Historical Imagination, and Victorian British and Irish Literature
Renee Fox, University of California, Santa Cruz
The Necromantics examines the relationship between reanimated bodies and 19th-century theories of history in the work of Mary Shelley, Charles Dickens, Robert Browning, WB Yeats, Bram Stoker, and others, arguing that the literature of reanimation is an explicitly unhaunted gothic, one preoccupied with the powers of the present rather than the agency of the past. The talk will address the development and stakes of the project, situating it not only within the fields of Victorian Studies and Irish Studies but also within the emerging field of Monster Studies.
Faculty House
The Emergence of the Global Irish-Speaking Population in the Nineteenth-Century: Implications and Impacts
Nicholas Wolf, New York University
The talk will discuss new attention by scholars to the realities of a significant Irish-speaking diaspora that had emerged by the second half of the nineteenth century, explored most often through its impact on literature composed in Irish. What evidence have scholars uncovered regarding the scope of this global community, how does this change our view of the development of an Irish-language culture in the Revival period, and what information can be gleaned from the latest Irish-language sources being made available to scholars? This talk will review these findings and the ways they suggest a concurrent global influence on this emerging Revival-era Irish-speaking culture, with a particular focus on new findings made available through the publication of online digitized editions of key Irish-language texts of the era including Irisleabhar na Gaedhilge, An Claidheamh Soluis, and, most recently, An Gaodhal.
Faculty House
Sally Rooney: Perspectives and Approaches
Ellen Scheible, Bridgewater State
Barry Devine, Heidelberg
Professors Scheible and Devine will discuss their forthcoming edited collection, "Sally Rooney: Perspectives and Approaches." This timely collection focuses on critical essays in the field of Irish literary studies and women's fiction, specifically contemporary work by Sally Rooney. In a time of rapid social and cultural change, Rooney’s novels carry intellectual and pedagogical currency in both the undergraduate classroom and the fields of Irish literary and critical studies. As a contemporary woman writer who produced fiction both before and after the current discourse on reproductive rights in Ireland, Rooney often presents as a beacon of radical inclusion or progressive change for young readers. Students identify with her subtle humor, sharp critiques of capitalism, and the sexual openness at the core of her provocative storylines and characters. Scheible and Devine will discuss their different approaches to Rooney's work and will offer a glimpse into the upcoming collection.
Faculty House
The Linguistic Ecology of Irish, Sustainability, and the Utopian Impulse
Jonathan O'Neill, Villanova University
Professor O'Neill's talk is entitled "The Linguistic Ecology of Irish, Sustainability, and the Utopian Impulse." It explores the current discourse on ecological crisis and sustainability. The precarious nature of the Irish language has also been referred to metaphorically in terms of ecological crisis. Using a framework from ecolinguistics, this presentation will trace how the Irish language – as a cultural artifact – has been deployed historically in narratives of ecological discourse. The presentation will draw on several more contemporary aspects of the work of Tim Robinson, John Moriarty, Manchán Magan, and Katie Holten to explore the themes and tropes that cohere around the language in this context. Ecological sustainability has informed linguistic debate, but what might the historical tenacity of the Irish language offer to a discursive juncture inflected by catastrophe? Examining these themes raises interesting questions about what they signify in terms of linguistic sustainability and ecological discourse.
Showing all 8 results