The University Seminars offers two publication subventions. To qualify for either award, the author must have presented at least some of the work at a University Seminar meeting. The manuscript or article must be accepted for publication, but not already in production.
The Leonard Hastings Schoff and Suzanne Levick Schoff Memorial Fund may be used for indexing, translating, technical editing, illustrating, or other publication costs of manuscripts or monographs produced under the auspices of The University Seminars in the fields of economics, sociology, psychology, penology, or the behavioral sciences.
The Aaron Warner Fund supports the publication of materials that emerge from a University Seminar. These publications do not need to fall under a specific field. Our Executive Committee named this book subsidy fund the Aaron Warner fund, in honor of the social scientist who was Director of The University Seminars for decades, and whose devotion to music on the one hand, and to the world of physics at Columbia, on the other, carried him far beyond the social sciences.
Publication Fund Request Application